Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Episode 9......what was that?

Okay, lets do episode nine of That's Good to Know! Dave and Chris talk about Mark Millar's auction
to benefit Crohns Disease research. Manly Video games. The New Frontier comic book series being made
into a direct to video movie. The first edition of the RRAC, covering robots in the World Cup. Be
the first to email and win a secret prize. Special clips from Short
Circuit and Tango & Cash.

The links to Mark Millar's auction all came up closed. I will update this as soon as I can.

Here is a link to Short Circuit's Wikipedia Entry

Here is a link to the Tango and Cash's Wikipedia Entry

More to come soon.....I promise

Check our feedburner site for diffent download and subscription options.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Episode 8

MAN DOWN! MAN DOWN! Dave and Chris loose guest-host of the show, Rob. This week the show touches on parenting. Who should decide how much violence kids are exposed to? Parents? The Media? Government? Listen to this episode and decide for yourself. Spider-man gets outed. No, Peter Parker isn't on the list from episode seven. The guys do a break down of the issue number two of the Marvel Comics series Civl War and its crossover titles. Also featuring the first edition of the 120 second Podlight which took about 125 seconds in covering some of the podcasts I listen to every week. I hope it catches on and becomes the podcast version of G4's the feed. Oh wait, I meant the NY Times top ten for podcasts. We hope you enjoyed the drama of That's Good to Know, because its free. So at least you are getting your moneys worth.

And next show, if I can get it ready in time you will get to enjoy That's Good to Know's rack, well sorta anyway.

Hillary's Site

Not much to link to this week, but if you listened to the 120 second podlight check out those podcasts on itunes.

Check our feedburner site for diffent download and subscription options.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Episode 7: A formatted show?


Dave,Rob and I tried once again to have a show with a format to it. We partially succeeded in that we had segments but some had to be cut since the two news stories went a bit long. Both stories were good and full fo things that were good to know like Dave's story on Genetic Technology. He discussed the factual side of things and the sci-fi "clone wars" side of things. The show then moved to gaming when I discussed the site/magazine/podcast 2old2play. It was very interesting and made me feel better about my all nighters on Halo 2. Then there was our first semi-origianal segment "It came from Wikipedia". This took a look at a list of gay and lesbian characters in
mainstream comics, showing that the story on Batwoman coming out of the closet was nothing new to the comic book universe.

This show had less F-bombs and no rain. I wonder if those are related. Well see you next week, or at least sometime soon. With Sunday being our new recording day for now and this Sunday being Father's day, the show might be a little late.

"It came from Wikipedia"
This link will take to the long and interesting lists of gay/bi-sexual comic book characters.

Here is a link to one of the stories about Batwoman that led us to Wikipedia and here is Batwoman's Wikipedia entry.

The site 2old2play is an interesting site if you are into gaming, over 25, and are looking for some xbox live players. Check it out and register, if your old enough.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Episode 6: The X-men eXtravaganza

Dave and Chris are joined by guest-host Rob and the three talk about X3:The Last Stand. The discussion compares Brett Ratner's vision of the X-Men to Bryan Singer's. They question what aspects of the latest sequel remain true the ideals and characterizations of the X-Men. They rate many of the recent supehero movies. This episode is three guys geeking out over comics and movies, but the conversation spins into some insightful areas. If you have ever enjoyed a superhero film then you should listen to this podcast. Bonus Feature: The Saint Crispin's Day speech from Shakespeare's Henry V as performed by Kenneth Branagh in the 1989 Renaissance Films production is used as the
intro and at the end of the podcast (See we are cultured too)

Here is the official X3 Site.

If you want an Xmenologist's point of view, even though I don't think thats a word check out the ifanboy look at X3.

There are plenty of other reviews out there but let me just put it to you this way. If you like action and entertaining sci-fi movies then go see it. If your going to nit pick at every little detail, go see it but don't expect much. If your an X-men fan, see it no matter what, it may not be the best movie ever made but it is worth seeing if your a true fan. If your reading this and you should be on some completely different site, download our show while your here and maybe we can help you out.

Check our feedburner site for diffent download and subscription options.