Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Episode 7: A formatted show?


Dave,Rob and I tried once again to have a show with a format to it. We partially succeeded in that we had segments but some had to be cut since the two news stories went a bit long. Both stories were good and full fo things that were good to know like Dave's story on Genetic Technology. He discussed the factual side of things and the sci-fi "clone wars" side of things. The show then moved to gaming when I discussed the site/magazine/podcast 2old2play. It was very interesting and made me feel better about my all nighters on Halo 2. Then there was our first semi-origianal segment "It came from Wikipedia". This took a look at a list of gay and lesbian characters in
mainstream comics, showing that the story on Batwoman coming out of the closet was nothing new to the comic book universe.

This show had less F-bombs and no rain. I wonder if those are related. Well see you next week, or at least sometime soon. With Sunday being our new recording day for now and this Sunday being Father's day, the show might be a little late.

"It came from Wikipedia"
This link will take to the long and interesting lists of gay/bi-sexual comic book characters.

Here is a link to one of the stories about Batwoman that led us to Wikipedia and here is Batwoman's Wikipedia entry.

The site 2old2play is an interesting site if you are into gaming, over 25, and are looking for some xbox live players. Check it out and register, if your old enough.

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